We have updated our payment portal from BillTrust to HighRadius. You should have received an automated email from HighRadius that contains important login information:
- Please refer to this email and follow its directions to create your HighRadius account. This email is the best way to create your HighRadius account because it contains a unique link associated with your account.
- If you do not have access to this email you will be able to self-register, but will need your customer number and an invoice number for identification.
You are now leaving Ultradent.com and being redirected to our third-party payment management platform HighRadius. Please have your login credentials ready.
If you need to contact Ultradent, please call U.S. Customer Support at 1.800.552.5512
Always remit physical checks to:
Ultradent Products, Inc.
PO Box 952648
St. Louis, MO 63195