Ultra-Etch Ultra-Etch Syringe


Dental Etchant

Icon of tooth

Optimal Viscosity

Ultra-Etch etchant is uniquely formulated with ideal viscosity. Though it is viscous, it can penetrate into the smallest fissures or occlusal surfaces due to physical and chemical properties that promote capillary action. Yet, Ultra-Etch etchant's ideal viscosity maintains a layer thick enough to prevent it from running on vertical surfaces.1


Ultra-Etch etchant's unique self-limiting chemistry reduces the risk of overetching, creating the optimal surface to receive resin.3 It is self-limiting in its depth of etch (average depth of 1.9 μm with 15-second etch)2. For modern phosphoric acid etchants above 30%, Ultradent's 35% phosphoric acid formula produced the shallowest etch depth at 1.9 µm indicating self-limiting etch function while all other formulas produced etch depths of at least 3 µm and ranging up to 5.6 µm.4

Ultra-Etch depth chart


Ultra-Etch Etchant


Awarded by the prestigious Clinicians Report as one of the best products in its category,5 if you haven’t discovered Ultra-Etch etchant, you’re missing out. Click below and add Ultra-Etch etchant to your practice today!

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